Tuesday, November 11, 2008


Grandad and Carolyn came to visit us when we lived in Buffalo. I was probably five years old and Ross was six or seven. I think they flew there from Racine via Milwaukee or Chicago. When they left we must have gone to the airport to see them off. I don't remember it, but we might have left the airport building, driven to an observation spot and watched for their plane to take off. That's something my dad might have enjoyed, knowing which airline they were flying on, which kind of plane it would be and which runway they'd be taking off from (if there was more than one runway in Buffalo at the time) so we could watch their plane take off and maybe wave to them. So that's the occurrence that I don't specifically remember, but what I do remember is that after that visit, every time Ross and I saw a jet flying over, we would stop what we were doing, wave and yell, "Hi Grandad and Carolyn!" No matter how high the jet was or how far away it was, we'd do that. Of course we knew that Grandad and Carolyn weren't on any of those planes, or at least I think we knew that, but we always wanted to say hi to Grandad and Carolyn, so that is what we did.